America First. Always.

Faith and Family.

As a Christian, husband, father, and small business owner – Stewart Jones will continue to defend faith and family values that have made America great.

As a State Representative, Stewart Jones led the way by passing the Heartbeat Bill and Human Life Protection Act (defending life), filing the first bill in South Carolina to stop sex changes on minors, closed a transgender clinic, defended parents and children by getting South Carolina to leave the National School Board Association, and passed legislation to defend medical freedom against a federal covid vaccine mandate and prohibited forced masking.

Stewart knows that saving America starts with putting Christ back at the center.

    Secure. The. Border. Now.

    The open border policies of the Biden administration have perpetuated and allowed the invasion we are seeing today.

    The open border policies of the Biden administration and the enabling of the left that Haley has encouraged have perpetuated and allowed the invasion we are seeing today. Despite being deported under President Trump, the illegal who did this was allowed to re-enter the country under Joe Biden. 

    I cannot and will not stand idly by in these dark days while Biden and the democrats refuse to close our southern border and are destroying our country. We must:

    • Build the wall
    • Strengthen immigration laws
    • Deport illegal aliens 

    Reverse “Bidenomics” and Put America First

    The Biden inflation is crippling the American people at the grocery store and at the gas pump. Our nations debt to GDP is at a record high of over 123%. We must stop funding countries that hate us and put America First once again. It is imperative that we reduce the size and scope of the federal government.

    • Put American families first by making the Trump tax cuts permanent, loosening regulatory burdens on business, bolstering American energy independence.
    • Stop printing money to fund foreign wars and give government handouts.
    • Increase America energy independence

    Get Tough on China

    Flying a spy balloon over South Carolina was only part of the Chinese Communist Partys plan to threaten our nation. They are buying up our farmland and stealing our intellectual property. Joe Biden has allowed China to take advantage of us. It must end.

    Protecting Our Constitution

    I remain steadfast in my dedication to upholding the Constitution, which serves as the bedrock of our nation’s liberties and values.

    • Restore Constitutional Governance
    • Every individual in America should be free to practice their faith without the threat of discrimination or government intervention.
    • Every Individual in America should be allowed to make their own health decisions and not be forced to take a Covid vaccine.
    • Under my watch, the Second Amendment will not face any encroachment.